







Insurers have made their policies very cheap to attract customers but all too often they will do all they can to avoid paying or reduce claims!

We have over 30 years experience helping customers get fair payments on their claims.

My Insurer refused to pay for my flood damaged wall saying it was 'old' but Claimnotpaiddirect pointed out that cover was actually arranged on a 'new for old' basis and they quickly paid out over £4,000.

  • We can offer you a FREE second opinion on whether your claim should be paid and whether your Insurers are treating you fairly.
  • We can also help you get the claim settlement you deserve and we will only charge you our fee if we succeed in getting you a fair settlement.
  • We charge just £100 for claims of up to £1000 or 10% of the amount paid for larger claims.

We will get all reasonable and fair claims paid.

Complete our enquiry form and we will provide our free second opinion and provide full details of our terms and conditions. Pay nothing now.

Get a free opinion now